Got a health or medical research problem that you want to solve? HealthHack was created to help you solve your problems.

Check out some of the problems that have been brought to HealthHack over the years in the menu to the left and the guide below.


We are now open for problems for healthhack 2020.

Due to COVID-19 we’re looking to run HealthHack 2020 as a remote event. We are still confirming final dates but we are aiming at late June 2020 at this stage. We will run across two weekends.

This also means… HealthHack is open to all Australia this year!

Don’t be worried about how you would working with a team you’ve never met remotely because the HealthHack organisers have got your back.

We’ll have a bunch of remote work experts on hand to help you navigate the challenge of forming and running a remote project. And we’ll have technical experts on hand to help you do your pitch and set up the tools you’ll need.

All you need to do, like at every HealthHack, is bring your problem. And we will help you with getting your problem ready for HealthHack.

Please note: We may not be able to get back to you straight away, it may take a week or so.

We will be in touch though; promise.

Problem Submission Deadline midnight 26th of June 2020

NOTE: Please make sure you have JS turned on in your browser or the form submission will fail.


banner image courtesy of Dr Nick Hamilton