HealthHack runs under the Open Knowledge Australia Code of Conduct

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To enter the main venue, Cloudtheater, just click the link below. Also we’ll be broadcasting from time to time from this Twitch stream


Please also join up to the HealthHack Online 2020 Slack ASAP and start meeting people. Huge thanks to Slack for providing their Standard Plan for free for the duration of the event


Where to Get Help!


The centre table, Level 1, is our Help Desk. Go there and you’ll find a friendly organiser to help you out.

cloudtheater HH 2020 Help Desk.png


#ask-us-anything - there’ll be people here to help you. Feel free to jump in and help out answering questions!

#ask-a-mentor - go here to find a mentor to help you. If you’d like to mentor at any stage jump in and try and help.


What To Do If Everything Goes Wrong

If the Cloudtheater crashes, you will have to get back into it by refreshing the browser.

  1. Refresh your browser

  2. If that doesn’t work, restart your browser.

  3. If that doesn’t work, restart your device.

If that doesn’t work this is what we’ll do

  1. We’ll announced Clement’s Twitch stream in the #announcements channel in Slack

  2. Everyone move to 

  3. We’ll continue the presentation from there