interview with maggie hardy

How did you get involved in Health Hack?

I connected with Mitch Stanton-Cook on Twitter, as they were looking for judges for the Brisbane node. I was impressed that Mitch mentioned they wanted to get a diverse range of mentors and judges to reflect the diversity of the participants, and he specifically mentioned gender equity as a goal for the Health Hack.


What was your role in Health Hack?

I was one of the three judges for the Brisbane node, along with Ginny Barbour (Executive Officer, Australiasian Open Access Support Group) and Colin McCririck (now CEO/CIO of eHealth Queensland).

image courtesy of Dr Nick Hamilton

image courtesy of Dr Nick Hamilton

What was the most interesting part of Health Hack for you?

Absolutely the ideas! The innovative ways participants worked collaboratively to solve some of medicine’s most difficult problems was striking. I was particularly impressed at the combination of low-tech and high-tech ideas that went into each project, and the supportive atmosphere for such a large group of people with a diverse set of skills and expertise.


What did you get out of Health Hack?

The Hack helped me to see my own research in a different light, and to consider new approaches and technologies to take my work to the next step. In addition to increasing my own professional network, I met some incredibly motivated and passionate people that I’m lucky to be working with now on the next year’s Health Hack.